
Thursday, October 3, 2013

7 Incredible Breast Cancer Breakthroughs for 2013

More than ever before, women are winning the fight against breast cancer, thanks to dramatic improvements in early detection and treatment.

“One of the most important advances is the ability to tailor treatment based on the risks and benefits for that specific patient, leading to better outcomes and fewer side effects,” says Jame Abraham, MD, FACP, director of the breast oncology program at the Taussig Cancer Institute, Cleveland Clinic.

 “We used to consider all breast cancer the same, but now we know it’s actually at least 10 different diseases,” each with its own genetic signature and weak spots, adds Dr. Abraham. That groundbreaking discovery has spurred development of highly targeted drugs for certain breast cancer subtypes and has helped patients avoid ineffective treatments.

Here’s a look at breakthroughs that are transforming breast cancer care, including new ways to prevent the disease, which strikes one in eight women over a lifetime.

1. A Vaccine Against Breast Cancer
Cleveland Clinic researchers have discovered that a single vaccination can prevent breast cancer in mice that are genetically predisposed to the disease. The center plans to test the vaccine in humans, with clinical trials expected to begin in 2015. The first clinical trial will include women with the highly aggressive triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) who have recovered from standard treatment.

2. 3-D Mammograms
A new study published in Lancet Oncology found that adding 3D digital breast tomosynthesis, hailed as one of the top 10 medical innovations for 2013 by the Cleveland Clinic, to standard 2D breast X-rays could reduce stress-inducing false alarms (results that look like cancer, but aren’t) by 17 percent, without missing any actual cancers.

3. The First Drug for Early-Stage Breast Cancer
In clinical trials, women with early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer were 18 percent more likely to be cancer-free after 12 weeks when using the FDA approved Perjeta than those who received other cancer drugs. Doctors hope that using the new drug during the earliest stages of the disease will shrink tumors, making them easier to remove, or even help some women avoid mastectomies.

4. More Accurate Breast Cancer Diagnosis—Without Surgery
Every year, more than one million American women undergo breast biopsies, but only about 20 percent of them have cancer. A new FDA-cleared device, the Aixplorer Ultrasound System, could reduce unnecessary biopsies by helping doctors tell which lumps are malignant. In a 2012 multi-center study, the device correctly classified 78.5 percent of suspicious breast lumps analyzed, compared to 61.1 percent accuracy when conventional ultrasound was used.  The technology’s 3D images could also be helpful for screening women with dense breast tissue for cancer, since mammography doesn’t work very well in such patients.

5. A High-Tech Gene Test to Predict Risk of Recurrence
The FDA has cleared a new test that calculates the 10-year risk that a woman with certain types of early-stage breast cancer will suffer a recurrence. Intended only for patients who have undergone standard surgical and oncological treatments, the test analyzes cells from the woman’s tumor to check for 50 genes involved in the growth and spread of cancer. It then classifies the woman’s risk of cancer recurrence from low to high.

6. A Pill to Prevent Breast Cancer
Women ages 35 or older who are at increased risk for breast cancer should discuss with their doctor the potential benefit of taking one of two FDA-approved medications to combat the threat, according to new recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).

7. New Weapons Against Triple Negative Breast Cancer
This form of the disease is tough to treat because it lacks the three receptors that fuel most breast cancer growth. As a result, TNBC doesn’t respond to conventional targeted therapies. While the disease can sometimes be treated effectively with chemotherapy, it remains the most deadly form of breast cancer. Large genetic studies have revealed that TNBC has molecular similarities to certain ovarian cancers, a discovery that could lead to new therapies. Additionally, researchers have identified several promising new targets that are now being studied in clinical trials, a new paper published in Oncology reports.

Originally published on by Lisa Collier Cool
The full article can be found here: