can strike anyone at any time. It doesn’t call first to see if it can come over
and it certainly doesn’t ring the doorbell when it shows up unexpectedly at
your door. Everyone knows someone with or who has had cancer at one point in
their life. There are no six degrees of separation when it comes to knowing
someone with cancer. It could be you or your friends or someone who you love. According
to, ticking to a low-fat
diet may help reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back. One study in which
women received only about 25% of
their daily calories from fat found a lower risk of recurrence, mostly in women
with a prior estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer. Here’s a list of food items and ideas that you can incorporate into your diet in order
to help reduce the risk of getting breast cancer.
- Turmeric, Rosemary, Parsley, Thyme
- Green tea
- Maintain a body that is not highly acidic, this is associated with the type of food you eat and baking soda can assist in balancing
- Green veggies like kale, broccoli and even cabbage
- Use of cold pressed oils containing omega-3 (like flaxseed, fish oil and olive oil)
- Eating a diet high in fruit and vegetables
In order to obtain the
maximum benefit, these items should be grown organically and cooked with
little with to no heat. There are so
many uncontrollable factors that drive the risk of getting breast cancer.
Family history, age, a genetic pre-disposition to cancers are among a few but
the above listed are lifestyle changes that you can make NOW to potentially tip
the scale in your favor. Remember, there are many kinds of studies out there
relating to reducing your risk to breast and other cancers. They can all be a
bit confusing. The key is to simply take care of yourself and get regular
checkups for early detection.